Industrial Concrete Cleaner Degreaser Benefits
Many construction organizations must routinely carry out the essential practice of industrial concrete cleaning from the property, particularly the plumbing system, before handing over the property to the client. This procedure may be costly, time-consuming, and challenging but it’s essential for safety. Here’s how simple this whole process can become using an industrial concrete cleaner degreaser like Croc Crete.
The purpose of using an industrial cement cleaner to remove old cement and concrete buildups from drain pipes is to effectively unclog the plumbing system without resorting to digging up the plumbing system and chiseling away at the build up. By using a biodegradable industrial concrete cleaner like Croc Crete, you do the task quickly, safely, and for much cheaper compared to the traditional hammer and chisel way.
So, here are all the benefits of using an industrial concrete cleaner degreaser:
1. Widely used
An industrial concrete cleaner degreaser like Croc Crete will simplify eliminating concrete from your plumbing system. This concrete dissolver is excellent for all kinds of blockages down the plumbing system caused by construction material build up.
2. Rapid results
Because industrial concrete cleaner degreasers quickly cut through concrete, removing concrete is quick and straightforward.
Using a mortar dissolver like Croc Crete, you don’t have to spend hours scratching away at your concrete with a chisel. Moreover, this is a no-dig solution, meaning there is no need anymore for ripping off the floors and walls to reach the clogged section of the plumbing system and then chiseling away at the concrete build up.
3. Removes All Residue
While there are numerous industrial concrete cleaner degreasers on the market, only a few have the industrial-grade composition to cut through the toughest of construction builds while being gentle on the plumbing system. Selecting a low-quality, cheap industrial concrete remover will leave dangerous chemical residues inside your plumbing system or cause damage to the drain pipes. However, Croc Crete’s heavy-duty concrete dissolver will protect your drainage system while melting away the cement and concrete buildup.

4. Secure for your staff.
You risk yourself and your staff to dangerous substances when you remove concrete using conventional methods. These poisons have the potential to harm people’s health seriously. But Croc Crete’s cement dissolver aims to secure your staff as it is gentle and doesn’t irritate the skin. However, we still recommend only professionals handling this product and not to attempt DIY with Croc Crete.
How to Select a Quality Industrial Concrete Cleaner Degreaser
When choosing the right industrial concrete cleaner for use, consider some factors. These include environmental compatibility, pungent odor, biodegradability, cost, and ease of use.
- Environmental compatibility
It is essential to choose an industrial cleaner that is more environmentally friendly. It helps reduce the risk of damage to nearby plants and animals. The best way to do this is by using biodegradable cleaners.
- Odor
Some industrial concrete cleaners have a long-lasting and unpleasant odor. The odor could be very unhealthy for workers with a high sense of smell. Therefore, it is vital to consider getting one with a pleasant smell that lingers only for a short while.
- Biodegradability
An excellent industrial concrete cleaner has to be biodegradable regardless of the quantity used. A highly toxic residue must not be left behind after cleaning. Concrete-clogged water pipes clean faster with a biodegradable industrial concrete cleaner instead of non-biodegradable alternatives.
- Cost of Industrial concrete cleaners
Cost consideration is significant, especially for industries needing a good industrial concrete cleaner. The budget for hiring plumbing specialists to take apart flooring and walls to reach the plumbing system and chisel away at the clog can be a huge financial undertaking for the company. Therefore, opting for a quality industrial concrete cleaner degreaser should be a much wiser option.
- Chemical composition
Ensure that the industrial concrete cleaner you choose has a chemical composition that will not damage your business environment or leave some hazardous residues when used. It is essential because you do not want to contaminate your working environment and compromise the health of your employees.
- Ease of application
One of the primary considerations is the ease of application. You will want an industrial cement cleaner that is easy to apply without causing damage to your premises. An excellent industrial concrete cleaner should not leave behind residue when applying. It must be able to flow down the plumbing system without damaging the pipes itself.
Key Takeaways
There is minimal chance of damage or contamination when employing a biodegradable concrete remover like Croc Crete. Their compounds are safe for accidental touch or splashing, tough on concrete, stucco, grout, cement and other construction material built up in the drainage system. Moreover, Croc Crete is biodegradable so it’s safe for the environment as well. Get Croc Crete today!